Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Love Is All Is Alright...

Whakatauki - Māori Proverb

He kai kei aku ringa - There is food at the end of my hands
Said by a person who can use his basic abilities and resources to create success.  

Change One

So I got a diary...Over the past two weeks I have sporadically noted the food I've been eating, my thoughts and fitness (if any, lol). I won't be sharing a 'blow by blow' description of my diary data as it's pretty boring and really - who wants to know or cares what someone else is eating, seriously, lol. Oh, and I watched a TV programme: What's The Right Diet For You? Bloody brilliant! I went to the website and found out the right diet for me, downloaded the diet plan and now I'm away laughing. On Monday I started the Intermittent Diet (for cravers, like moi) - two days of restricted diet then five days of unrestricted diet (following the Change One plan which is smaller portions sizes, not so much fat, sugar, starchy carbs...) I must say it is going pretty well, feeling quite positive about it all - check it out, click on the link above :)

Red Red Wine

My little whanau and I went to a UB40 concert at Waipara Valley Winery, it was cool, I enjoyed seeing Herbs as well. When in Rome...Being in a winery I decided to try the merchandise, purchased and drank a bottle of Rose` - oh my gosh, was lovely but the next day....yuck, seedy, terrible hangover!

Cherry Oh Baby!...

Chill Bill...

This is how I calm the farm, chillax - paint my nails, the best part is choosing the colours, what ever takes my fancy  :)

Crazy Crush

Crazy Crush

Crazy Crush colours

Purple and White Dot Daisy

Purple and White Dot Daisy

Purple and White Dot Daisy colours and embellishment

Art Deco Gecko

Art Deco Gecko

Art Deco Gecko colours

Thank you for visiting, this is one of my favourite UB40 songs - hope you enjoy Love Is All Is Alright 

Ka kite ano
BCH :)

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